The Beginner’s Guide to Jewelry Photography


Jewelry Photography

Photographing jewelry is tricky yet exciting. The thing is at times camera fails to capture the beauty of the actual jewelry piece. But in the digitized world, all of us rely on pictures to frame the decision of whether we want to buy it or not. That is the reason it is extremely important to make the pictures appear attractive. In such cases, jewelry photography editing becomes the savior. Here are the ways that you can ace your jewelry photography game.

A Tripod Stand

A tripod helps to keep the shots sturdy thereby making the jewelry attractive. So, don’t forget to get your hand on a reliable tripod.

Be Careful with Reflections

The jewelry is already shiny. So, use the reflections very carefully while clicking the jewelry pictures.

Tips to Click Perfect Jewelry Shots

Let us figure out the tips to ace the jewelry photography game.

  • Highlight the craftsmanship and the detail of the jewelry.
  • Always take shots from different angles.
  • If possible, use natural light.
  • Avoid direct reflections and focus on reflectors.
  • Use props to reflect a vibe.
  • Use a wide aperture for greater depth.
  • Shoot in RAW format.
  • Keep a consistent style to create a brand tone.
  • Use models to give perspective.
  • Invest in jewelry retouching services.

To avail the professional jewelry retouching services, contact a reliable company.



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